1: 1. High in Sodium 2. Fried Options 3. Sugary Sauces

2: 4. White Rice Base 5. Processed Meats 6. Lack of Vegetables

3: 7. Heavy on Carbs 8. Portion Sizes

4: 1. High in Sodium: Korean dishes are often loaded with sodium, which can cause bloating and water retention.

5: 2. Fried Options: Many Korean dishes are deep-fried, adding unnecessary calories and unhealthy fats.

6: 3. Sugary Sauces: Sweet and spicy sauces in Korean cuisine can be high in sugar, contributing to weight gain.

7: 4. White Rice Base: Korean meals typically include white rice as a staple, which can raise blood sugar levels.

8: 5. Processed Meats: Korean dishes often contain processed meats like sausages and ham, which are high in saturated fats.

9: 6. Lack of Vegetables: Some Korean dishes lack vegetables, important for fiber and nutrient intake for weight loss.