1: 1. High sugar content 2. Can spike blood sugar 3. Easily overconsumed

2: 4. May hinder weight loss goals 5. Less filling than other options 6. High in carbs

3: 7. Potential bloating effects 8. Not ideal for low-carb diets

4: 1. High in natural sugars 2. Can lead to cravings 3. Best in moderation

5: 4. Easily overeaten 5. Can disrupt blood sugar levels 6. May hinder progress

6: 7. High calorie density 8. Better alternatives available

7: 1. Limited weight-loss benefits 2. Easily paired with unhealthy toppings 3. Consider nutrient content

8: 4. Energy-dense 5. Portion control challenging 6. Choose fiber-rich options

9: 7. Easily overconsumed 8. Monitor intake for weight maintenance