1: Start your day with a quick and nutritious Mediterranean breakfast to boost your energy levels.

2: Enjoy a delicious avocado toast sprinkled with magnesium-rich pumpkin seeds and vitamin B12-packed eggs.

3: Savor a refreshing smoothie made with spinach, bananas, almond milk, and chia seeds for a nutrient-packed meal.

4: Indulge in a Greek yogurt parfait with berries, nuts, and a drizzle of honey for a satisfying morning treat.

5: Wake up to a hearty bowl of oatmeal topped with dried fruits, nuts, and a dollop of Greek yogurt for added protein.

6: Whip up a Mediterranean omelette with feta cheese, tomatoes, and spinach for a flavorful and fulfilling breakfast option.

7: Treat yourself to a plate of whole grain toast with hummus, sliced cucumbers, and olives for a Mediterranean twist on a classic dish.

8: Prepare a quinoa breakfast bowl with roasted vegetables, chickpeas, and a drizzle of tahini for a protein-packed start to your day.

9: Say goodbye to boring breakfasts with these GrabandGo Mediterranean Diet recipes that are rich in magnesium and vitamin B12.